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30 July 2013

Liftoff! We Have Liftoff!

It was only 10 days ago we celebrated the 44th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the moon.  It has always been my opinion that that era, from July 1969 to December 1972, was one of the greatest  of the United States.  Since Apollo 17 arrived home we haver rarely shined as brightly.

Yet the quest to understand our universe has continued.  We continue to roll back the dark curtain of night and gain more information about our solar system, our galaxy and the universe.  

It has been my experience that most people really want to know about astronomy, but are afraid that it is a topic for the "Brainiacs" and not for the average citizen.  That is why I have decided to launch this blog cite; to excite people about astronomy and the wonders of the night sky.

If you are looking for astrology, or conspiracy theories, or whatever the latest internet hype happens to be then I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place.

If, however, you love looking up and want to know more about what you see then you've come to the right place.  I love answering questions and writing about the sky.  

So don't be afraid to comment, ask questions.  I will also be posting interesting stories from a variety of astronomy related web sites so make use of those resources too.  Also if you teach astronomy (either junior high, middle school or high school) and have questions about lessons or resources I'm happy to share!  

So get out there and start looking up!!

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