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22 August 2013

Polar Storm Warning

To get an idea of how far away our sun really is, all you have to do is check out Space Weather.  Currently there are 2 CME's (Coronal Mass Ejections) on their way to Earth.  These two CME's were expelled from the sun on August 20-21.  Yet they won't arrive at Earth until this weekend (Aug 23-24).  

This also tells us that CME's travel much slower than the speed of light.  Light from the sun only takes 8 minutes to arrive at Earth.

In any case, when the CME's interact with Earth's magnetic field they will trigger auroras around Earth's north and south poles.  How far south the auroras may be visible is anyones guess.  But if you happen to be outside and the sky is clear look toward the north.  If you see a shimmering curtain like effect grab your camera and set it for a timed exposure (most point and shoot cameras have a "fireworks" setting).

If you get any good pictures feel free to send them and I will post them for you.  

Learn more at
Polar Storm Warning

Predicted Aurora Oval, Aug 22-23 2013

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